Name Search Check
Most companies do not realize the hiring risk involved when a background check is not performed. By tapping an online database with a potential hire’s name, you are able to find everything from registered sex offender searches to name-based state background checks, driving record inquiries and so much more.
Background Check Packages
Express Package | $29.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List
Express Plus Package | $47.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List, County of Residence Criminal
Premium Package | $74.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List, County of Residence Criminal, 7 Year County Criminal, 7 Year Federal Criminal Current State/District
Healthcare Package | $71.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, 7 Year County Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List, OIG Level 1 Healthcare Search
Driver Package | $74.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, 7 Year County Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List, Motor Vehicle Report
Professional Package | $105.95
Social Trace, National Criminal, 7 Year County Criminal, National Sex Offender, OFAC Security Watch List, 7 Year Federal Criminal, Employment Verification, Education Verification
A La Carte Background Check Services
Criminal Courts | $20
This checks for felony and misdemeanor arrests and/or convictions of any applicant.
Civil Courts | $20
This will search any civil court index in the nation for a list of filings by name. The seven-year search results include the names of the plaintiff and defendant, case number and date.
Federal Courts | $20
This checks records for any federal district in the U.S. and PuertoRico directly with the Federal repository.
Motor Vehicle Records Search | $7.50
This search reveals an applicant’s insurability, current license status, driving history points and DUI offenses.
Social Security Trace | $15
This search can reveal all names used by the applicant, the applicant’s current address and multiple known addresses over a seven-year history.
Education Verification | $25 (per institution)
This will provide confirmation of the applicant’s graduation, degree earned, major and minor courses of study, graduation date and institution attended.
Employment Verification | $25 (per employer)
This search validates dates of employment, terminations, job title or positions held, wages and rehire eligibility.
National Criminal | $20
This search contains records from states representing over 90% of the population and has over 300 million records.
National Sex Offender | $20
This reports whether an individual has been convicted and reported as a sex offender in any state.
OFAC Security Watch List | $20
This reviews the database of all persons and companies that are banned from entry or conducting business in the United States. This includes terrorists, international narcotics traffickers and those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Health Care Sanctions OIG 1 / OIG 3 | $15/$20
Reviews a list of individuals and entities excluded from participating in federally funded healthcare programs because of convictions for program-related fraud and patient abuse, licensing board actions and default on Health Education Assistance Loans.
Bankruptcy Search | $15
This provides results for personal and business bankruptcies and provide the details about the debtor, filings, assets, outcomes, and attorney and court contacts.
Credit Check | $20
This provides all the information needed to assess an applicant’s credit history for pre-employment purposes.
Reference Check | $45 (3 references included)
This can be used to review the applicant’s character traits, reliability, demeanor, strengths and attitude. Reference questions can be customized to your specifications.
Fast. Accurate. Peace of Mind.